Tag Archives: valentines day

My Significant Me: Gotta Love Her!

My Significant Me: Gotta Love Her!

There are times I really enjoy spending time alone. And I don’t mean time away from people… I mean time with myself. It is not the absence of others that brings me joy, it is my own presence. I’ve heard it said that if you don’t enjoy spending time with you, why would someone else enjoy spending time with you? I think that’s a good question. I like spending time with me. I think I’m pretty interesting, introspective, and funny… I crack myself up! I appreciate the sound of my own laugh. When I get the notion to turn on my salsa music and Cha Cha on my yoga mat, I think to myself, ” I want to be that girl”… And then I realize, I am her. For the first time in my life, I don’t see moments of solitude as a prelude to sadness. They are the quiet places for me to hear my own voice and learn God’s. Becoming single is not something that life has done to me… It is something that life has done FOR me. It created space for me to learn to love myself. It created space for me to learn to love God more. And it has created space for me to learn to love others. For in this love, all of the commandments are fulfilled. As we approach Valentine’s Day I would say this to my fellow single folk. You have someone special to love on that day… Yourself. #givethegiftthatkeepsongiving